WHOO! I’m so excited to be sharing Shanna & Luke’s engagement session on the blog today! Can you believe this is also my last engagement session of 2022?? It was such a great one but an insanely COLD one too! You’d NEVER know that, especially because Shanna braved the cold in a cute dress! They honestly never complained once! Even when Luke asked her how she was doing, she just nonchalantly said “I’m okay… my legs are numb but I’m good” lol she was such a trooper!
I met Shanna & Luke last year when I photographed Luke’s sister, Nicole’s, wedding! Their daughter, Teagan almost stole the show from Nicole & Matt’s wedding day, and next year, she’ll be trying to steal it again when mama and dada get married!! Things may not have happened for Shanna & Luke the way we’re all told they should… date first, then live together, get married THAN have kids! They might have hopped around a bit when it came to those milestones but how could you ever regret a minute of it when it’s all just exactly how it should be? And they are just so sweet together! I can’t even explain how extremely COLD it was this day we met up and I told them at the beginning of their session I would pose them with lots of hugs for body heat. They didn’t seem to mind that one bit 😉
Shanna & Luke chose Hoboken for their engagement session but a fun little fact is.. they’ve never been there! They loved the city as a backdrop and the look of Hoboken but had never seen it for themselves! It was so fun walking around with them on Pier A, with NO ONE else around! We had the whole area to ourselves and I was able to photograph them in spots I had never been able to use before usually because there’s too many people around! Turns out the cold weather helped us out a bit 😉 I’m so excited to share this final engagement session of the year with you all and can’t wait to see these two getting married in the fall!!

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