I met Veronica a few years ago when she was a Bridesmaid in her friends, Allison & Matt’s wedding day! Fast forward to this year when I get an email from Veronica now reaching out because she’s engaged and would love me to photograph her wedding!! I was SO happy to hear from her!! We immediately got to planning their engagement session since they are getting married next spring! Veronica knew exactly where she wanted her and Anthony’s engagement session to be and it was in Downtown Hoboken. She’s been living in Hoboken for a decade and now with Anthony, who’s originally from across the river in Staten Island! He proposed to her one day randomly after she came home from her hair appointment. His plan WAS to take her out along the waterfront and propose to her with the skyline as their backdrop. BUT that ring was burning a hole in Anthony’s pocket and after calling her parents and telling them he’d do it later on that night, he decided to go with his gut and propose to her the minute she got home instead! She knew a proposal was coming but NOT the second she walked back into their apartment from getting her hair done! lol Luckily, she also knew what her answer was… YES! Hoboken just had to be the location for their engagement photos and it was the most beautiful night I’ve ever witnessed in Hoboken! The sky turned the prettiest shade of blue, pink and purple – which happened to coordinate perfectly with their outfits! It was such a beautiful night and I loved getting to know them both better and can’t wait to see them become husband and wife in the spring!! Enjoy my favorites from their engagement session 🙂

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