Some sessions are super special for me and this is definitely one of them because the Bride is my niece!! I will tell this story forever but I VIVIDLY remember the day Meaghan was born! My older sister had her when I was in the first grade and I excitedly went into school that day telling my teachers I had a niece!! Except they didn’t know I had an older sister, they only knew I had a younger sister lol so they looked at me like I had two heads and said “I don’t think that’s right dear”. I was SO confused lol But I was right and we’ve been SO close since the day she was born! We’ve done everything together over the years – she’s seven years younger than me so it always felt like she was my other little sister. And I remember her telling me she had a boyfriend in high school, Josh! They dated through high school, went to prom together, were together when she got her Masters Degree and held their long distance relationship together when he went to school in Missouri for chiropractic school. When Josh returned home to New Jersey, the buzz in the family began – ok now that they are both settled in their careers, will they get married?? lol
This past December, while they were away for the weekend together in Vermont, they were out to dinner when the waiter brought a dish with a dome over it. Meaghan looked at the dish completely skeptical wondering what it was. The LAST thing she expected was to lift it and see a ring in a box there! But sure enough – Josh moved down to his knee and the restaurant erupted in applause for them when she said yes to his proposal! Meaghan FaceTime me and I knew they were away in Vermont but I did NOT expect to pick up the phone and see a shiny ring staring at me! Even though these two have been together for YEARS – it was a complete SHOCK to me! lol And throughout this whole process watching them plan their wedding, I can not believe it’s actually happening! Weren’t we just little girls dancing around to the Spice Girls in my backyard?? Didn’t we JUST go to the land of make believe together?? Are they seriously talking about getting married?? And are MY babies really going to be their flower girl and ring boy?? SO many emotions! Josh has felt apart of our family for so long, it’s so exciting that he’s going to officially be married to Meaghan but truthfully, he’s already family.
Ok one more paragraph! lol Because clearly I can go on and on about these two! Meaghan and Josh knew exactly where they wanted their engagement session – at their favorite local bar, Cowan’s Public! They are here every single week for trivia and the staff was more than happy to have us come early in the day and gave us the whole bar to use for their photos! They love it so much, they’ve brought all their friends and family here countless times over the years so EVERYONE knows how perfect this location is for their photos! And of course we ended their session with a special appearance from the OTHER love in their lives – their sweet rescue dog, Athena! She was SO great for photos! It was HOT out and we didn’t want her to be uncomfortable with all her fur and that heat combination but she was amazing and perfectly smiled the whole time! 🙂 I LOVE these photos, I LOVE these two and can not wait to share my favorite photos with you all today!!! 🙂

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