Weekly Intermission – 4.1.15 [tina elizabeth photography personal post]

Weekly Intermission

April 1, 2015


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Hi, I'm TINA.


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Happy New Month! April has long been my favorite month of the year, for no particular reason. In fact – it’s the sole reason why we got married in April 🙂 This year I’m even more excited because my shooting season begins this month! Yup… not just weddings but engagement sessions too. 3 Engagement Sessions and 2 weddings to shoot this month – I can not wait! I know my back, feet and even my hands (from gripping my camera all day) are going to go into complete shock but that’s okay. The good news with being super busy again is lots of great sessions and weddings to share here on the blog. So let’s kick off this new month on a good note, with a little weekly intermission.


.| FEELING… |. March was just AWFUL because Mother Nature just could not make up her mind. Was it going to feel like spring? Was it going to snow some more? (OH YES, it did snow!) All the fluctuations in weather has me feeling like I’ve had a cold that is just DYING to come out but hasn’t. I KNOW after visiting warm, 70 degrees Washington D.C. tomorrow, I am so going to come back and feel it. At least I hope so because my wedding season starts next week so it needs to just get out of my system already!

.| WATCHING… |. Please tell me you have watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt by now!!?? I RARELY attach on to brand spanking new TV shows but this was, within one episode I was HOOKED! I was hysterical! (Something that is also pretty rare for me. I hardly ever LAUGH at shows and movies lol) I watched this show within a week than watched it AGAIN with Jose and than watched it AGAIN!! It’s easy because it’s only 13 episodes but still! lol My absolute favorite part of this show is of course Titus! I mean… ANYTIME he sings ANY song, I get super giddy. That’s just the Broadway nerd in me though. And I’ve pretty much been walking around for the past few weeks sing-screaming PEEEEENNOOOO NOOOOIIIRRR!!

.| WORKING ON… |. Like I said above, this month is FULL! You should see my calendar – I really don’t have one weekend that is free but I really don’t mind it at all 🙂 I’ve missed being busy and am excited to travel and hang out with all my wonderful couples. The best thing about being busy is there will be so many more blog posts coming here and so much to share. I’m working on sharing at least 3 days a week of blog posts to keep everyone updated on my work and what I’m up to. Lots for everyone to look forward to 🙂

.| LOVING… |. Jose and I have been trying to get a work-out schedule going on and become more active. Our schedules are clearly VERY different. He works his 9-5 job while I’m home all day… but we enjoy working out together more than alone. We finally have found the perfect solution and it is T25! This is something I first watched, tried alone and HATED. But with Jose, it is SO fun! It’s rough, it’s hard and by the end of each work out every day we are absolutely DYING but I find myself smiling through the workouts, proud of us! 🙂 Now, I would definitely recommend T25 to anyone! You can do it at home, only 25 minutes and you are done. You WILL be sore and you will start to tone up. Fun AND effective.

.| LISTENING TO… |. When I first heard that Mumford & Sons released a new “electric” single, I was very hesitant to hear. I didn’t go searching for it and simply waited to hear it organically. I LOVE Mumford so much and I was afraid I’d be let down by their new sound. But when I got into my car last week and turned it on, that new song was playing on the radio. I stopped dead in my tracks. I was frozen, listening to it. And tears started to fill my eyes. Am I the only one that reacts to Mumford & Sons like this?? They just GET to me. Needless to say, their new song Believe did NOT let me down and now I can not stop listening to it (or blasting it anytime it’s  on!) and I can’t wait for their new album!!

.| LOOKING FORWARD TO… |. Tomorrow my Mama and I are heading to Washington DC! Truth be told, this is a business trip for me but if I can bring someone along with me for the ride, I WILL! Jose couldn’t get off of work so my Mama is joining me! (And because she will yell at me if I don’t mention this, my sister was originally going to come but than found she couldn’t get out of school for it. STAY IN SCHOOL!) We are literally only going to be there for 24 hours but my mama and I are cramming SO MUCH into those 24 hours! I’m really excited though because it will be my first engagement session of the year and it’ll be during the Cherry Blossom Festival!! Anyone remember this post?? It’s kind of crazy how when you put it out there, the universe hears you and says “OKAY! HERE YA GO!” I am so thankful for my amazing couple, Dominique & Jack, for giving me this opportunity 🙂 Be sure to watch my Facebook page over the weekend to see Sneak Peeks of their session!

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I'm Tina and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal showcasing recent weddings and engagement sessions. Stay a while and say hello!

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 From in-home newborn sessions to on-the-go family sessions, I'm here to capture those real joyful moments with your newborn or family so the memories never have to end! No matter how exhausting or tiring parenthood can be, let's capture this moment in time before it slips away. 



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