My Coaching Session with Katelyn James


July 16, 2014


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Hi, I'm TINA.


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Three years ago I was researching what the best lens’ were to invest in if you wanted to start doing wedding photography. I was doing my research where I normally do all my research… on Pinterest 🙂 Don’t tell me there’s no how-to, DIY or info you CAN’T find on Pinterest because you can! It’s where I find half the recipes I make… but I digress. There, on Pinterest, I found a link to Katelyn JamesWHATS IN MY BAG post and for the next few hours, I remained on Katelyn’s blog. I gushed over her images, how clear they were, how amazing her composition was and how GENUINE her clients’ smiles and expressions looked. THIS is what I wanted my photos to look like. THIS is what I wanted my business to look like… fun, bright & modern. I couldn’t believe there was a photographer out there who was a young woman, like me, doing this as a business. Finding Katelyn and reading her blog, looking through all her weddings showed me I wasn’t crazy anymore to be dreaming up this idea of starting a business. That I really COULD do it.

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That was three years ago and for three years I have read Katelyn’s blog every day, looked over her images for inspiration before every engagement shoot and wedding I’d shoot and gone to her when I needed guidance in whatever I would do. Then, a few months ago, she released new dates for one-on-one coaching sessions with her. I’ve wanted to do this ever since she started offering them. This, or one of her workshops… whatever came first and whatever I could afford. This time, when these coaching dates popped up in my inbox… I didn’t hesitate. I didn’t text Jose saying “is it ok if I buy this??” because (sorry honey) I didn’t care what Jose said. I was going to spend this money & invest in learning from someone who has eventually become my mentor from afar and my idol, everything I aspire to be. And I did it! I bought my coaching session in March and the months flew by… and before I knew it, I was driving down to Virginia! The night before I could barely sleep. I had a horrible stomach virus the past few days leading up to it (and even the day of) and though that played a huge part in me not sleeping, I knew nerves were flying around too. What the heck was going on!? I was FINALLY about to meet Katelyn! One on one! Just me and her!

I could have sworn I would have cried when I first met her because I was just so thankful for everything she had given me throughout the years, without even knowing it. But walking up the steps to her house and seeing Bokeh, Michael and than Katelyn… suddenly all my nerves washed away. They INSTANTLY made me feel like an old friend they hadn’t seen in years. I felt as though we were just catching up (which is true! lol I had been following Katelyn and reading her blog for three years, to me it really did feel like they were old friends!)

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We talked for three hours all about my business. What I can do to make it better for my future clients, how to spoil my present clients and how to keep my past clients so happy they can’t help but continue talking about me. How I can better my LIFE and not let my business take control of it. EVERYTHING was just perfect. Some parts were even mind blowing! And I was just so thankful to have had the opportunity to finally LEARN from her and how she runs here amazing business and how I can do the same 🙂 We talked about home and money, and I have her to thank now for getting me and Jose to feel comfortable with our finances and preparing for business purchases.

Lunch with them was great! The geek I am let my disney side show and told Katelyn & Michael they HAD to visit Disney World together before they had kids! The second photographer, sweet and lovely Casey Hendrickson, met up with us at Bertucci’s (which was DELICIOUS! And I just found out we have some right here in Jersey… YAY!!) and we all talked some more about our business’ and than she whisked us off to a parking garage for our head shots! (A parking garage! Showing you can make beauty out of the simplest locations!) She taught us how she poses her couples and girls to look FABULOUS! Even when they have insecurities (and we all do!) And then… my time was up! I was sad but left with such a full heart, aching to stay in Richmond and hang out with Katelyn & Michael again! It was the best day EVER! Oh gosh you guys… and BOKEH! Her INSANELY adorable dog really is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen! She even let me take a picture with him. That dog is a superstar! lol

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I’m so thankful for Katelyn. For using her experience, her knowledge and her time to help other photographers, like me, and help them run the best business they can. I have applied and continue to apply each and every thing she taught me and I just KNOW she will continue to teach me from afar 🙂 Oh, and a bonus was getting some fabulous new head shots out of it! How fun!

  1. Meghan says:

    What an adorable name for a poodle! I love it. Shows a creative mind for sure. This is such an amazing experience to read about, I cannot imagine how awesome this was for you.

  2. This post just makes me so so happy!! I’m so thankful that you came all the way down to VA to visit us!! We absolutely LOVED having you!! Can’t wait to see your business grow!!!

  3. Abby Grace says:

    I KNEW you were going to have an amazing time! Katelyn has such a gift for encouragement and education. I can’t wait to see how your business changes as a result of your time with her!

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I'm Tina and I'm so happy you're here. This blog is a journal showcasing recent weddings and engagement sessions. Stay a while and say hello!

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 From in-home newborn sessions to on-the-go family sessions, I'm here to capture those real joyful moments with your newborn or family so the memories never have to end! No matter how exhausting or tiring parenthood can be, let's capture this moment in time before it slips away. 



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