This was our first official year in business and the amount of business we ended up having was so overwhelming! We had friends & strangers alike reaching out to us and we wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for all of them! It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come in a year and we are so anxious for 2013 to come, bringing on a fresh set of new friends to make and new adventures to take. We’ve taken SO many pictures this year that it’s hard to narrow down our favorites so here’s a few of them!
Not only was it an amazing year for our business – but for our personal lives! We celebrated our first anniversary as husband and wife, went to Disneyworld for the first time together & were even able to meet our biggest inspiration to us and the way we hope to run our business, Jasmine Star!! Though Jose was too shy to actually speak to her he took our picture – and I told Jasmine he’s my JD Wink wink to anyone that gets that one!
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